Hello, can you supply 304 stainless wire?
Please see inquiry -quote below.
Also attached is sample of spool needed.
Do you supply meter spooled wire?
304 stainless steel wire
wire diameter .215 mm +/- .005 mm
no oil on wire
3% elongation
Full Spools
Min 190 KSI- Target 200 KSI MAX is 215 KSI
DIN 200 with .32mm arbor or what spool do you have that is close to this? Please advise dimensions and arbor
Quote price and lead time for quantity 10,560 LBS
Price and mfg. lead time FOB Destination :IWM International, LLC Dock
Please advise freight cost to ship 10,560 lbs
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you
Lee Ann
Lee Ann Seyler
Purchasing-Administration Manager
IWM International, LLC
500 East Middle Street
Hanover, PA 17331
Office Phone: 717-637-3795 x102
Cell # 717-495-8580