Dear Sir thanks for your mail below is Reptiles i can supply to you if you are serious interested feel free to place your Order all animals are in good condition and ready for Shipment. Hoping doing business with you for Longterm relationship. Iam waiting for your Order thanks.
1. Argus reed frog ---Hyperolius argus @2.00$
2. Marbled reed frog --- Hyperolius marmoratus @2.00$
3. Parker's reed frog --- Hyperolius parkeri @2.00$
4. Variable montane reed frog --- Hyperolius pictus @2.00$
5. Golden sedge frog --- Hyperolius puncticulatus @2.00$
6. Tinker tree frog --- Hyperolius tuberilingus @2.00$
7. Viridiflavian reed frog --- Hyperolius ***2.00$
8. Fornasini'sleaf folding frog --- Afriaxalus fornasinii @2.00$
9. Pygmy leaf folding frog --- Afriaxalus pygmaeus @2.00$
10. Red-legged kassina --- Kassina maculata @2.00$
11. Bubbling kassina --- Kassina senegalensis @2.00$
12. Grey foarm-nest tree frog --- Chiromantis xeramphlina @2.00$
13. Pfeffer's leptopeltis --- Leptopelis argenteus @2.00$
14. Bocage's burrowing flog --- Leptopelis bocagii @2.00$
15. Hildebrandt's burrowing flog --- Hildebrandtia ornata @2.00$
16. African bull frog --- Pyxicephalus adsperens @2.00 $
17. Dusky-throated rana --- Rana galamensis @2.00$
18. Golden-backed frog --- Rana galamensis @2.00$
19. Groove-crowned bullfrog --- Rana occipitalis @2.00$
20. Long-toed frog --- Strongylopus fasciatus @2.00$
21. Tremolo sand frog --- Tomopterna cryptotis @2.00$
22. Tuberculate sand frog --- Tomopttuberculosa @2.00$
23. Jumping frogs --- Ptychadena spp. @2.00$
24. Mottled shovel frog ---Hemisus ***2.00$
25. Red-banded frog --- Phrynomerus bifasciatus @2.00$
26.. Mozambique rain frog --- Breviceps mossambicus @2.00$ NONE POISONOUS SNAKES
1.African rock --- Python python sebae @25.00$
2.Blind snakes --- Typhlops schelegelii @10.00$
3.Common egg eater --- ------Snake d. scabra @15.00$
4.Eastern blind snake ------- Typhlops *** 10..00$
5.Green snakes --- ------Philothamnus ssp @10.00$
6.House snake --- ------- Boaedom fulignosus @10.00$ POISONOUS SNAKES
1.Black mamba --- dendroaspis polylepis @60.00$
2.Black necked spitting cobra --- n.nigrocolis @60.00$
3.Boomslang --- dispholidus typus @30.00$
4.Bush viper --- cerathophorus atheris @40.00$
5.Egyptian cobra --- naja haje haje @50.00$
6.Forest cobra --- naja melanoleuca @50.00$
7.Gabon viper --- bitis gabonica @40.00$
8.Green mamba --- dendroaspis angusticeps @50.00$
9.Night adder --- causus spp @30.00$
10.Puff adder --- bitis arientaris @40.00$
11.Red spitting cobra --- naja pallida @60.00$12.Eastern gaboon viper—Bitis *** 40$13.Greater Lake Bush viper—Atheris ***60$14.Rhombic night Adder—Causus *** 40$15.Mozambique Spitting Cobra—Naja mosambica CITES CHALEMELEONS, GECKOS, LIZARDS
1.Meru three horned chameleon --- Chamaeleo jacksonii
2.merumontana ) @20.00$
3.Desert side striped --- Chamaeleo bitaeniatus @6.00$
4.East african spiny-tailed lizard --- Cordylus tropidosternum @2.00$
5.Fischer two horn chameleon ! ! --- Brad! ypodion fischeri
6.Flap necked chameleon --- Chamaeleo delepis @6.00$
7.Giant one horned chameleon --- Chamaeleo melleri @20.00$
8.Graceful chamelleon --- Chamaeleo gracilis @6.00$
9.Green day gecko --- Phelsuma dubia @2.00$
10.Kenya pigmy chameleon --- Rhampholeon kerstenii @2.00$
11.Nile monitor lizard --- Varanus niloticus @20.00$
12.Poroto three horn --- Chamaeleo fuelleborni @6.00$
13.Rwenzori side stripped --- Chamaeleo rudis @6.00$
14.Savannah monitor lizard --- Varanus albigularis
15.Taveta two horned --- Bradypodion tavetanum @6.00$
16.Usambara three horned --- Chamaeleo deremensis @20.00$
17.Werner three horned --- Chamaeleo werneri @6.00$
1.Angulated dwarf gecko @1.50$
2.Bibron thick toed gecko ---Pachydactylus bibronii @1.50$
3.Black necked tree-agama --- Stellio atrcolis @2.50$
4.Black lined plated-lizard -! -- Ger! rhosaurus nigrolineatus @4.00$
5.Blue tail skink --- mabuya Quinquetaeniata @2.00$
6.Boulengers scrub lizard --- Nucras boulengeri @2.00$
7.Cape dwarf gecko --- Lydactylus capensis @2.00$
8.Clawed gecko --- Holodactylus africanus @2.50$
9.Common house gecko --- Hemidactylus mabouia @2.00$
10.Common striped skink --- Mabuya striata @2.00$
11.Dwarf ground agama --- Agama acueleta @2.00$
12.Eastern tropical spiny-agama --- Agama aculeata @2.00$
13.Eastern serrate-toed tree-lizard --- Holaspis guentheri @2.00$
14.Forest gecko --- Chemaspis africana @2.00$
15Greater plated lizard --- Cerrhosaurus major @4.00$
16.Jackson's forest lizard --- Adolfus jacksonii @3.00$
17.Long tail sand lizard @2.00$
18.Long-tailed skink --- Mabuya planifrons @2.00$
19.Mwanza rock agama --- Agama mwanzae @2.00$
20.Red-headed rock-agama --- Agama agama @2.00$
21.Speckle-lipped skink --- Mabuya maculabris @2.00$
22.Teita ! limbless s! ! kink --- Acontias percivali @3.50$
23.Tete toed gecko --- Pachiydactylus tetensis @2.00$
24.Variable skink --- Mabuya varia @2.00$
25.Yellow-headed gecko --- Lygodactylus luteopicturatus @2.00$
26.Yellow throated
Phone; 255 784 228820