Gd morning Sirs and Madams,
I have read overal your web and also learn the products that you are able top offer. THEN I would like to introducve ourslves to you as:
We are Khanh Linh B Company who has been paying attention on ditributing wood in North of Vietnam mainly and can be able to distribute wood in South of Vietnam well if possible. THEN I would like to send you our inquiry with detail as attach. And We are ready for your any uncleared question. It is happy to co-orperate wz you.
I am looking forward to receiving the good news from you soon.
Goodluck and Have a nice weekend !!!
Thanks and Best regard,
Henry/KhanhLinh B - Manager Import Dept
Khanh Linh B/Wood Distributor in North of Vietnam
Cell # : +***
Email: ***.vn
Yahoo Messenger: ***