1. Book
2. Book size of an A4 folded
3. 128
4.Black text, cover maybe colured depending on price differences
5. Thin paper is preferable but we must know price differences to decide.
6. 1000 most likely but we would like to know the different quantity prices presented so we can chose what is best.
My name is Eli Talani
We want to print litterary books at ca 128 pages but the page count can vary since we are making different languages that is now just being finished as we speak by different authors.. We are collecting offerts just now from different printing houses to get the best prices.
The size we want: 140mmx210mm
Soft cover is cheaper I think but we would like to hear the different costs for we are going to print many different page counts in different books in different volumes of books!
Thin paper is desireable since that will put down the cost of shipping the books to our customers but we would like to hear the price differences presented.