/ Full name: Karim Hijazi
\/ Age: 35 (October 8, 1975)
\/ Location: Atlanta, Georgia
\/ Alias: khijazi, foxlogic, pontevin
\/ Password: MooNDoG007
-~- email accounts -~-
\/ ***
\/ ***
\/ ***
-~- worklife -~-
\/ Security & Intelligence Consultant
\/ Founder at Demiurge Consulting, LLC
\/ CEO/President of Unveillance
\/ Member of Infragard
-~- websites -~-
\/ ***/
\/ ***/
-~- home address -~-
\/ Karim Hijazi
\/ 3475 Oak Valley Road NE Apt 2740
\/ Atlanta GA 30326-1287
-~- address he orders pizzas to -~-
\/ 12123 LONGS PEAK LN
\/ HUMBLE, TX 77346-5135
-~- old home address -~-
\/ 9858 Clint Moore Road
\/ C-111 #261
\/ Boca Raton, FL 33496
-~- instant messengers -~-
\/ ***ontevin