Dear Mr.
On the way of searching a Rebar supplier, We became much interested in your product through web surfing recently, so we are sending an e-mail to you for an inquiry.
We're one of the 10 biggest construction companies in South Korea, covering from civil engineering, building construction, housings, and plant. We have dosens of overseas job-sites such as in Madagascar, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Sri-Lanka, Algeria. For further information of our company, please visit our website : ***.kr
Besides that, we have something to inquire about your policy as below.
1. Do you have in stock Rebar for fields of construction work in Sri-Lanka, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Algeria, Vietnam.
2. Who is in charge of quotation for Rebar? Please give me a name, number and e-mail address
3. The Unit Price per each item.
4. Could you send us detailed information including catalogue and price list on your product through E-mail or fax
Please let us also take this opportunity to wish a successful relationship through this great chance between your esteemed company and ours.
Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated for us.
Best regards,
Kevin Lee
Staff, Keangnam Enterprise Corp.
E-mail : *** / ***.kr
Tel : +82-2-2210-0772
Fax: +82-2-2210-0689