From: BARS-STROI LTD, Russia, St. Petersburg, Bolshaia Ozernaia - 52
Fax: (812 716-23-52
Phone: (812 966-59-05 and (812 983-70-64 - you can speak English
e-mail: ***
Dear fiends
Our company BARS-STROI LTD, Russia bought through the Singapore company " LIFESTYLE HOLDINGS PTE LTD " - Gilder Rocker from w/wing 27-7/4 " x 26 x 38
LIFESTYLE HOLDINGS PTE LTD - has informed that now does not work with Vietnam. We would like to come into direct contacts with your company for purchases Glider Rockers
We are interest a Gilder Rocker from your company (as at the att. file -please open it)
Please inform us about:
- web page where we can see Glider Rockers
from your company
-The prices
-The contact person speaking in English, Russian, his phone, and fax, å-mail
Slava Borisov