Morning bros.
How are you, family and biz?. I had tried reaching you on phone to no avail.
As advised, I created a new product with 'postpaid' as the billing type.
A new subscriber was then activated on the switch with normal/general features in use (HOTI - 0000, Barring class - 3, Tariff origin code - 30).
This account was subsequently activated on the billing sysytem on the newly created platform for postpaid billing with an initial credit of N50 for test purpose.
Upon activation and crediting on the billing server, the account staus was normal but there was no clean tone on the line as it was giving busy tone (po po po po ....). Calls could not be made.
The credit balance on this line was checked and was found to already have accumulated -850. the account status is still normal.
see attached file bppd.
The subscriber's properties/features status was checked on the MN, the following changes was noticed forom what was originally configured:
barring class changed to 2 (3 was configured originaly)
see attached file mn.
Your prompt attention is needed on this issue.