inquiry to Les Trans Ltd

Do you manufacture birch plywood, grade A, grade B, 18mm, 16mm, and 9mm? Please provide a price quote for one 20-ft container FOB of birch plywood, containing approx. 50% 18 mm sheets, 25% 16mm, and 25% 8mm. Please advise, how many grades of wood quality do you offer? Thanks, Jessica Cohen POBox 35035 Tel Aviv 61350 Israel
Free standing hot and cold RO water dispenser
We have an HERINE water Dispenser.We need spare part for this floor standing Model.Can you tell me the name of your Agent in Dubai,UNITED ARAB EMIRATES... 2011-11-19 09:54:33
Mistretu Company
Dear sir, Are you interested to start your manufacturing plant In india. Well developed vendor base & skilled manpower resources. Regds A.R. Pawar... 2011-11-19 08:01:20
Bamboo Wallpaper
We want to buy some products from your company, product name, model no. and specification as below: Bamboo wallpaper... 2011-11-19 07:46:40
Unilever Nepal Ltd
I want to a wholesale dealer in your company in syangja districts how can get it, please reply me.... 2011-11-19 06:52:02
Instruments And Control Devices
qty 5 nos We want to buy some products from your company, product name, model no. and specification as below:... 2011-11-19 05:10:55
Egypt Audio Technology
We want to buy some products from your company, product name, model no. and specification as below: -your own and sell them at prices much less than what you are doing you sell it - that's why I think these people are seeking to spoil the brand you are headphones that carry Mirka jbl srx they Ptkulaidaha from all sides - Size - Shape - Brand - They have collected a lot of money through it - where the price of the sound system 16,000 pounds, and this One third of the price exists for you - it's a disaster ... 2011-11-19 04:53:53
Hola!!! Sóc Vicent, d'Albalat dels Sorells, i vull escriure-vos per a dir que les vostres rosquilletes són les millors que he tastat en ma vida!!! Sobretot les de Multicereals. Es pareixen molt a les que fan de manera tradicional en el forn del meu poble, i es d'agrair que una marca comercial aconseguisca aquesta qualitat en els seus productes. Moltes gràcies i enhorabones a totes les persones que treballeu allà!!! Sense més, Vicent... 2011-11-19 04:52:47
Gamila Healing Soap
We want to wholesale some products from your company, Can I quote?... 2011-11-19 04:50:07
Changshu Shunlida Plastic Products Factory
Dear James Wang, found you are professional producer of plastic data strips for shop fitting business. In the future we can cooperate with my european customers for these parts. Pls let me know if you were interested in a good cooperation! Then I could visit your factory in Changshu soon. Thx in advance for asap reply by email! Best regards. Helmut... 2011-11-19 03:12:21
Ygb Group
Hello, I am interested in car YG-B filling machine for mushroom cultivation, provide as much to me please price list.... 2011-11-19 02:42:40
Hualon Corporation (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Selamat Sore, Kami dari Sinar Mutiara Jakarta Indonesia, ingin menanyakan mengenai Benang POY. Kami lihat di Website resmi Hualon Corporation ini memproduksi Benang POY. Yang ingin kami tanyakan adalah apakah benar Hualon Corporation ini sebagai produsen peng-ekspor Benang POY? Jika memang benar, kami ingin sekali mengetahui berapa harga dasar (Nett) Benang POY Hualon Corporation Malaysia? Dan juga berapa harga Benang tersebut sesampainya di Jakarta? Sebab, kami ingin sekali mengimport Bena... 2011-11-19 01:41:06
Chengdu Nanxang Biochemical Products Co., Ltd.
I am the owner of Kennis International Trading Company: In 2001, I met your GM in China and was give Power of Attorney to negotiate investment and cooperative Agreements with USA companies. I have been successful in accomplishing my mission and would like to fax a copy of the Investment Partners for Licensing Agreements that I have identified. I will visit you in China again to present my credentials and the USA companies I represent. Please provide me with a good fax number to the Owner and GM of Nanxan... 2011-11-19 00:43:46

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