inquiry to Mengnaqi Handbag Factory

This is Andrea from Guangzhou,China and I got your email address from my Friend.I'm now writing to you to seek the possibility of cooperation with you, based on OEM business. Attached are some latest handbags to you for reference. If you are interested, please contact me for prices and details . We are a professional handbag factory in China, established in 1999. There are over 200 workers in our factory. We mainly use Cowhide Leather,Sheepskin Leather and PU to make ladies fashion handbags, evening bags and wallets. We not only can use the special technique on bags,like printing,embroidery and embossing to satisify the needs of the customers,but also can produce them with your own brand if entitled or make bags according to your design documents. High quality, competive price and timely delivery are guaranteed. You can learn more about us from our website ***. Welcome to visit us and discuss business details further. Your comments on our products or any information on your market demand will be really appreciated
To Mrs Belmonte
Seeking Mrs Belmonte Antonbarbaro... 2018-12-04 01:28:03
we want to buy soybeans. can you give us soybean performance?. Thank you.... 2018-12-03 22:54:04
I'm looking for the gear casing on the jvs navajo that the chain connect to the rear axle I need info where to buy parts or a price to purchase from you can send pics if needed... 2018-12-03 16:30:01
Hi i would like to reach you please... 2018-12-03 15:12:28
purchase inquiry
We are located in East Africa, We here by request to have a long term business relationship with your esteemed company. Currently, we wish to purchase the following product (s) below from your company; calcium propionate ORDER QUANTITY: 4X20FCL Quote us prices CIF Dar es Salaam Sea Port Tanzania Thanks and regards.. patrick lubwama Manager of Sales AMIRAN(UG)LIMITED P.O. Box:47/51, MULWANA ROAD,INDUSTRIAL AREA Telephone:+***39 Fax:+256 414 348395 Email:***amiranltd.c... 2018-12-03 13:36:10
Cou scrap
Dear Sir,  Good day. I'm wriring to you from Iran. We are interested in Intel Pentum Pro Ceramic Cpu Scrap.  I want to buy 50 kg as sample at first. If our laboratory confirm the quality, then we will buy 500 kg weekly.  It should be mentioned that we prefer to buy from you in presence in turkey and pay in cash.  Therefore, please guide me what to do and offer your best price. *** Thanks,... 2018-12-03 11:33:52
Merhabalar Engin bey, Ben Fatih Sezerer. Treda firmasından Hair removing kategorisinde Avrupanın en büyük firmasıyız. Distribusyon konusunda gorusmek istiyoruz. Detaylar icin haberlerinizi bekliyoruz. Selamlar Fatih... 2018-12-03 06:24:17
Coucou Gino , Coucou Janine Une douce pensée mes très Chers j'espère que vous allez bien tout comme moi - Toutes mes amitiés et au plaisir de se revoir ...... michel... 2018-12-03 02:48:57
Introduction - PharmaDent
To whom it may concern, I am emailing to introduce our company PharmaDent, we are a pharmaceutical wholesale currently working extensively within the UK wholesale market. But we are looking to reach out to companies like yours. Our particular areas of expertise are UK ethicals, generics and PI lines, we know we can work together fantastically utilising any brand support deals you may have and combining this with our network. I would love to discuss this in more detail with someone in the team. You... 2018-12-03 02:44:32
Purchase Rice Bran Oil for Australia in bulk
We are manufacturers of frozen battered products that are currently using Tallow as our cooking oil but would like to change over to a vegetable oil and in particular, a Rice Bran Oil. Our current use is 200 tonnes per annum but this will only increase as we’ve heavily invested in growth over the next 3 years in order to triple our current business. Could you please provide me with bulk pricing (we currently receive 5000 litres delivered to us at any one time which is pumped into our holding ve... 2018-12-02 19:42:47
Aluminium Ingot
Dear Sir / Madam, We require Aluminium Ingot for export to India in large quantities on regular basis. Please send us your offer CIF Nhava Sheva / Chennai, India along with the full product specifications / analysis report. Also, we require Aluminium Dross / Slag in large quantities. We are planning to travel to Manila later this week. If any of your offer is workable then we might visit you to discuss further details. Look forward to your offer. Thanks & Regards, Divya Email: vivant.hkg... 2018-12-02 17:38:01
heat exchanger qoutation
Hello, good day! This is from JENNaire Inc. engineering dept. I would like to request a quotation of your Heat exchangers with the Rated capacity of 1000 TR and that are close to specs given us. Listed below are the specifications given; Plate Heat Exchanger Brand/manufacturer APV Serial Number A 10037 Type TR9AL MGS11 Rated Capacity 1000 TR Cooling tower Brand/Manufacturer Liang Chi Serial numb... 2018-12-02 17:21:44

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