This is Andrea from Guangzhou,China and I got your email address from my Friend.I'm now writing to you to seek the possibility of cooperation with you, based on OEM business.
Attached are some latest handbags to you for reference. If you are interested, please contact me for prices and details .
We are a professional handbag factory in China, established in 1999. There are over 200 workers in our factory. We mainly use Cowhide Leather,Sheepskin Leather and PU to make ladies fashion handbags, evening bags and wallets. We not only can use the special technique on bags,like printing,embroidery and embossing to satisify the needs of the customers,but also can produce them with your own brand if entitled or make bags according to your design documents. High quality, competive price and timely delivery are guaranteed.
You can learn more about us from our website ***. Welcome to visit us and discuss business details further.
Your comments on our products or any information on your market demand will be really appreciated.