inquiry to Message earlier this week?

Yes I sent a message earlier this week regarding some pills that you produced 11/5/2011 Lot # 11115 Product ViQ. Do you still produce this product? What would be the current pricing on it? Thanks, Wayne 001-801-580-1155 ***
Dear Sirs We are importers of Spaghetti based in Sierra Leone(Africa). Intd in trial order of 1x20ft fcl, please email following informations: 1. Qty of cartons you can load in the container 2. FOB price per carton in USA dollars 3. Shelf life 4. Products images... 2017-03-31 05:44:21
ALCE insulator DKB-20S 300pcs ALCE screen OVI+S 100pcs ALCE cable 6000MM 300pcs... 2017-03-30 23:14:29
ox gallstone
hi, I am Marc from Hungyil Herb Ltd from South Korea. We are looking for ox gallstone. let us know how much is the gallstone powder and each ratio of gallstone. and we are going to Cape town 17th April. please let us know.... 2017-03-30 22:49:34
Water Filter
Need replacement part... 2017-03-30 18:09:22
parts to quote
My name is Debbie Loomis. I am a buyer at TVH. We specialize in after market parts for forklifts and aerial lifts. We supply many of the rental yards, in this industry. I am looking for competitive quotes on latex and nitrile disposable gloves, primarily the nitrile. I am most interested in your industrial nitrile gloves. Please include standard lead times, qty price breaks, up to 1000 pcs/boxes Can you quote the following : 6 mil black powder free nitrile 4 mil exam grade black powder free nitri... 2017-03-30 16:39:19
Brassieres Panties
Hi Please send us Pictures of Non Padded Full Cup Brassieres few styles for reference and preferable with Prices and Sizes. Look forward to your early response. We are on Whatsapp and Wechat (852) 930 86 816 Thanks Best regards Haresh Dandwani Director Smart Wear International Ltd. Tel. (852) 2455 7900 Fax.(852) 2455 8400 Cellphone (852) 9308 6816 (Int’l Roaming)... 2017-03-30 12:04:42
enquiry of broken cashew kernel
Hello I am Imran Hussain from Manipur India I want cashew kernel broken & wholes Kindly help.... 2017-03-30 07:23:10
Bonjour Madame, Monsieur Nous sommes une société en création et dans le cadre de notre activité, nous recherchons des fournisseurs partenaires en produits informatiques, en petit ou gros électroménagers divers, en téléphonie, en destination de l'Afrique. C'est pour cette raison que nous nous rapprochons de vous. Nous aimerons avoir la liste des produits que vous vendez. Dans l'attente d'une réponse de votre part, vous pouvez nous joindre : Mr Jacob au + 33 6 70 84 97 71 O... 2017-03-30 07:08:32
Pet coke
Dear Sir /Madam, We require pet coke in bulk of monthly basis for India. Only genuine manufacturers please contact us for further business deals. *** Thanks... 2017-03-30 04:21:42
Hello dears! My name is Margaret, Zamok company, Ukraine. Wa are a wholesale company and have been importing good from China for more than 10 years. We are mostly in building materials field. But at previous time we are in door locks' and handles field. Please check our presentation. We would like to establish business cooperation with you. Will you be present on the Canton Fair? Looking forward to your reply. Margaret... 2017-03-30 04:21:39
pet coke for India
Dear Sir, We want to buy pet coke every month 5000 Mts from manufacturers of pet coke. To discuss further please contact us on our mail. *** *** Regards, M Raghunath. India +91***... 2017-03-30 04:13:10
Thermal paper for cash register
Dear Sir/Madam Hello My name is Barak Mizrahi , I am the import manager of MSK Almor in Israel We are a company of 30 years old in the market of packaging materials and products and are the biggest in our country . I am currently looking for a supplier for Thermal Paper Rolls for cash register – 80/80 I am looking for a quality paper that does not wipe after 7 years -as it should be We are either looking to do it on the business or open a new company with that product, because we have al... 2017-03-30 02:16:31

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