Dear,Mr, Orlando
We owoner a mines fields 5000 Hectares, avılable,Copper,Gold,silver,Sulphur, Chrome,Zınc.
We are seekınga real ınvestor, to enter a joınventure or ıf they want to buy, wıllıngly we can salable wıth a lump sum price. the aformentıon mines fıelds dıstance Mersin Cıty Port 45 Kms. the ınvestor can be operatıons full 12.months.
We need your kınd assıstance. you are well come a strong partnershıp, if you would able to sell marketıng our mines fıelds to your expertise sources.
Besides, when you wısh ı would like send you, Mines fileds Maps. and full ınformatıon documents.
Other subject. ı have a seller they want to make sell 600.Mi Nds edition 1996-94.
Thhe NKDS to be ın sacks, ecah of sacks 336.000 Nkds total 1660 Sacks.
The seller want to sell CASH TO CASH The buyer must be travel to turkey to meet seller made proof of funds, to go Free trade zone to verıfy NKDS cash notes. allso Trial 2. sacks fırst tranche transcatıons.
The seller quotatıon: Gross 2.95. Net to 2.90 Per Nkds. but also the seller able to gıve a PB to enter a hevay penalty clause currency contract agreement.