Mr Karamanis before i begin you must forgive me because i am not a seller neither a buyer i am just kid and i sent this message because i want to know if i can work in Optima as a trainee .
My name is John Papas and I am studding Shipping Business, Transport & Logistics’ at BCA College. I am in the 2nd year of my academic carrier and the lectures that I have done so far is Chartering Practise, Maritime Economics, Introduction to Shipping, Maritime Geography, Introduction to Shipping Law, Marine Business Environment, Shipping Practise, and Marine Cargo Operations. My English are in a pretty good level and I have also acquired the ECPE certificate. I can also work free of charge in the company. The only thing that matters to me is to work in Optima so I can learn from 1st class Brokers in order to extend my knowledge in Shipping.