inquiry to Penawaran produk dari Perusahaan Korea

Dengan hormat, Kami adalah Y2M Tech, perusahaan Korea yang bergerak di bidang import perangkat game elektronik dari China dan Hongkong. Produk kami adalah game elektronik yang sedang popular seperti PSP xbox360, Nintendo DSL, Wii, Wii remote, nunchuk, dan berbagai variasi aksesorisnya yang dapat diimpor oleh perusahaan anda. Kami berkeinginan untuk menawarkan produk kami dan menjalin kerjasama. Kami berjanji untuk memberikan penawaran terbaik dengan harga yang murah dan memuaskan. Sebagai informasi, kami memiliki produk Wii versi Korea, atau dapat juga diupgrade ke USA version sesuai pemesanan. Untuk informasi produk, silakan mengunjungi website kami di : *** ***.kr Diinformasikan bahwa harga yang tercantum dalam website adalah harga retail Korea. Kami dapat memberikan harga yang lebih memuaskan apabila terjalin kerjasama. Dan untuk keterangan dan komunikasi lebih lanjut, kami memiliki staf yang dapat menjelaskan dalam bahasa Indonesia untuk kenyamanan anda. Besar harapan kami untuk menjalin kerjasama yang menguntungkan kedua belah pihak. Atas perhatian dan kerjasama yang baik, kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih. Hormat Kami, Y2M Tech Co., Ltd
Urgent! Acetec -NEW RFQ FOR Namae Electronics JTP1236C Switches 6000PCS
Dear Sales Could you please provide me the price, LT,SPQ, MOQ For: Namae Electronics JTP1236C 6000PCS... 2016-08-15 02:53:57
Long term strategic business relationship
Dear Sir /madam Greetings Need to contact your respected company urgently to discuss promising projet Dr. Majid GM... 2016-08-15 02:52:58
Garlic Slicing Machine - AUSSQP300/AUSSQP500
Dear Sir, This is in reference to Garlic Slicing Machine Model No. AUSSQP300/AUSSQP500. Would appreciate if you can pls send more details, including video clip showing how this machine works. We need to see the peeling or de-skinning process of garlic and ginger and the quality of yield. Also, please advise your best price on FOB & CIF Dammam, Saudi Arabia basis for one piece, along with specs, packaging, delivery and payment terms etc. Awaiting your response. Thanks and best regards,... 2016-08-15 01:57:34
Spare Parts
We are a plastic manufacture here in the Philippines and we bought A HAIXING Model HFX128, which unfortunately needs part for replacement> we would gladly send the part details together with images when you reply to this message.. Thank you and we are hoping for your quick response.... 2016-08-14 20:09:05
Dear Sales,
Dear Sales, My name is RICHARD DUKE, I'm the owner of RD FASHION STORES. We are specialized on MEN, WOMEN & KID'S APPAREL Can you export your products: towards Africa by UPS or FEDEX ? My method of payment is by Visa/Master Card. Do you accept and interested in my method of payment ? so I can proceed with the list of needed items. Best Regards, RICHARD DUKE RD FASHION STORES ABIDJAN, IVORY COAST. (CI)... 2016-08-14 09:56:17
filter of condensate
5 micron and 20 micron... 2016-08-14 05:30:24
Electical Dangerous Kettles
Rest Assured that the dangerous electical kettles you are selling and not providing warranty for, will be reported to the appropriate Australian Authorities. We will not finish with you until we have restitution. We live very close to you and will return the item personally.... 2016-08-14 00:49:37
Buenas tardes, mi nombre es David Tejeda de MADERAS Y TRIPLAY KUMARU SA DE CV, estamos establecidos en Cancún, México desde el 2014. Me gustaría conocer más acerca de sus materiales y su compañia, especialmente el Deck de cumarú cepillado 4 caras 19mm x 14cm x 7 pies o más de largo, actualmente consumimos un promedio de 1 contenedor mensual. Creo en la importancia de crear una relación proveedor- cliente a largo plazo, buscamos hacer socios comerciales alrededor del mundo con quien podamos tr... 2016-08-13 10:27:02
Waste Paper Required
Greeting from Astha Export. Currently we are looking for following grade of waste paper. 1. Mix Waste Paper 100 MT 2. NCC Waste Paper 100 MT 3. OCC Waste Paper 100 MT 4. OCC-11 Waste Paper 100 MT Delivery port : Mundra (India) Awaiting your stock / grade availability and CIF price. Awaiting your positive reply.... 2016-08-13 08:39:39
I want your bycycle in India so... 2016-08-12 22:19:03
Moroccon Bitter Orange Peel
I am interested in purchasing bitter orange peel from Morocco. I currently am purchasing from an importer in the US and would prefer to purchase direct. I am an experienced importer and am importing herbs from Europe currently.... 2016-08-12 15:55:41
To buy F8A Engine
I am from Srilanka I want to buy F8A engine without gear box please give the price.... 2016-08-12 15:41:18

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