Hello. Sorry for my English. I am writing to you from Ukraine.
We have a problem with your supplier profile in our country.
His name is Ikram Mamarajapov.
Over the past year he has been ordered out of the window profile Proline different people.
Today we do not have windows, and not have money for them.
Do you know this man?
Because no regular commitments, we have reason to accuse him of fraud.
This could affect the reputation of your brand in Ukraine in the future.
You have an impact on or relationship with Ikram him?
If in the near future he will not return the money to us, we have to wake up to the police.
We hope very much for your help in this matter.
Contact Ikram:
My contacts:
Kiev, Ukraine.
Discussion of this issue (in Russian) is here: ***.ua/forum/showthread.php?t=75643.
You can follow any responses to understand the essence of using an interpreter.
Thank you for your response and assistance.