We must sign an exclusive binding agreement between our companies, whereas IMEX can act as the sole agent and distributor of your products in Egypt. This agreement acts as non-circumvention, non-disclosure and acts as work-binding agreement for both parties effective from the date of our first contact. This agreement is infinite (has no expiry date) as long as we order a minimum quantity of 5000 pcs/year. For your guidance, we speculate to order huge quantities of the G2.5 model (some 1000,000 pcs), as the size of the market is very large, and it all depends on our best quoted rates for this public tender. If you have your standard template for this agreement, we kindly ask you to forward it to our attention for revision and signature from our side.
Participation in the tender is only available for the registered products with the ES Authority, this is why we urgently require the samples to complete this process. Again, we need to highlight, that we will not proceed with the registration until we sign the exclusive binding agreement, which is protective and beneficial to both of our companies. I hope you understand that the registration process is an effort and money consuming process and we do not wish to go through it unless we are sure of your seriousness and willingness to cooperate with us.
In order to enable us to bid in this tender, we kindly ask you to quote us your rock bottom prices for the G2.5 model, and please give us your quotation for various quantities. The more favourable is the rate quoted, the higher is the chance is to get awarded the bigger volumes.
We look forward to doing business with your esteemed company, and if you would like to visit us in Egypt, you are most welcomed. We are awaiting your reply, and meanwhile, we remain,
Omar Al-Bakary
Assistant Manager
IMEX Trade Co.