Dear Sir/Madame:
As part of our ongoing updates on records of all our Accredited Partner Suppliers, we would like to request for your kind assistance in sending us updated copies of the documents listed below:
a. Suppliers Information Sheet (pls see attached)
b. Company ID of Representative or Any gov’t issued ID for business owners
c. SEC/Articles of Incorporation
d. DTI Registration
e. Current Mayor’s Business Permit
f. ITR/Audited Financial Statement (last 2 years)
g. Board Resolution or Secretary’s Certificate/ Certificate authorizing company representative to transact on behalf of the company
We thank you for your usual support and assistance and looking forward to a more fruitful business partnership with your team.
Please don’t hesitate to email or call me if you have questions or in need of additional information.
Rachel Mae Laraya
Office +632 775-0632 local 8198
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