To Whom It May Concern:
I understand that your company is a supplier of the SACEM/Tuscany Pumps, models 800 & 1200...
Model 800: 185 gph, H[ft] 4.2, P[W]10, 115V-60Hz
Model 1200: 277 gph, H[ft] 4.9, P[W]16, 115V-60Hz
Would you please advise if you have inventory of either of these models; if not, would you please advise what is your recommended replacement pump?
The outside dimension are not critical!
I need this information ASAP!
Price: 1-50 units, 51-200, 300+
Stock & ETA (Quickest delivery)
Thanks for your help...
Mike Hepburn
Director of Operations
Cell: 647-231-2227
Home: 519-853-8999