inquiry to Shoppingmantra Enterprises

Hi, I have placed an order through redifff shopping. Order number - 5798445 It has been 2 weeks and the order is not yet delivered. Please update the status. I tried to contact the given numbers but could not reach you. Any update on my cell phone will be greatly appreciated. Mobile number*** Thanks Anurag
I'm interested in purchasing Whey Protein Isolate. I would like a price for 25kg initially. Ideally I would like to purchase upward of 100kg per month depending on the total cost. I am located in London, UK. Thanks Keiran... 2012-11-12 16:03:50
i want to buy
we want to buy your proucts... 2012-11-12 13:30:06
estimados solicito cotizar lo siguiente para exportar a Chile: bandejas ovilladora sm-430 espiral revolvedora sm-120T base de ajuste espiral revolvedora SM-120T engranaje contrapeso ovilladora sm-430 ovilladora sm-430 Revolvedora sm-120T atenta a sus comentarios. estimated quote request the following to export to Chile: ovilladora trays sm-430 Spiral Mixer SM-120T Spiral Mixer adjustment based SM-120T ovilladora counterweight gear sm-430 ovilladora sm-430 Mixer SM-120T ... 2012-11-12 12:59:12
Inquiry about - CST 380 AND GAZ
I WANT BUY CST 380 200,000 EVERY MONTH... 2012-11-12 11:51:52
Basket Saddle
Hi i hope you can help. Im looking for someone who is able to manufacture a new product I'm looking to Re-Introduce the basket saddle into the equestrian market. The product itself is of Victorian design as was traditionally made from wicker, hence my contact with yourselves, and has long since died out, I do however feel there is a large market for this product having come from an equestrian background myself. Im looking for a reliable and trust worthy manufacturer ideally with traditional roots... 2012-11-12 10:39:52
Bimini rod holder
Bimini top 6 rod rocket launcher I would like to pick it up today 11/12/12... 2012-11-12 08:55:21
new supplier contact
Dear Sirs My name is Anthony, contacting you from Claro (Mcr) Ltd. I am writing to you on behalf of the boss of the company, who is out of the office today. Our business is the supply and development of Purses, Wallets, Handbags and various other accessories. Our customers are the larger retail chains in the UK some of whom have over 300 stores so the volumes are reasonably good. We also make product, for some brand name companies, where they provide us with spec sheets and we send them out to ... 2012-11-12 06:55:52
Hard Drive
Dear Sir/Madam, I am looking for refurbished hdd sata. from 120gb up to 1tb. Please we are looking for large quantity every week. I hope to hear soon from you. Many thanks in advance. Best regards, Abdel ADT Trade International Meutelaan 23 3721 BE Bilthoven The Netherlands... 2012-11-12 06:12:41
Good morning, We are a Spanish company. We have the following foods: Olive oil. Ham. Wines. Spirits. Cheese. We are contacting various Chinese companies to export those products. If you are interested, I wish to send us an e-mail requesting the information they need. We plan to travel to China to develop this business personally. Being waiting for your news, Yours sincerely. Benedicto Campelo.... 2012-11-12 04:20:28
please can you call me regarding an item bought from you in 2008, I would like to find out if you can still supply this 0845 300 4055 ref 28/1106858 the item is a Model MZ010-2 Luxury shower steam room bath tub - if you can supply this can you give a price incl post and packaging... 2012-11-12 03:40:13
Your proper Email address and contact numbers
Dear Sir, In order to establish trade contact please let us to know us your contact details, Thanks, K.Aksan... 2012-11-12 02:50:02
Mail for Michael Cheng
Hi Michael, please contact me by email *** because i am interested in coin capsules.... 2012-11-12 01:23:49

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