We want to buy some products from your company,
product name, model no. and specification as below:
Deir Sir ,
We are interested in buying freezers - transparent , horizontal and vertical for the sale of frozen pastry.
Please give us what is the possibility to deliver freezers to Serbia.
We need 10 vertical and 15 horizontal freezers from 250 l volume to 300 l volume .
Please send us your price and is it possible to deliver the freezers in Serbia with prices .
SRBIJA , 19000 ZAJEČAR , ***
AD “,,Žitopromet”,, Zaječar, ulica Kraqevića Marka broj 2, PIB: 101335782, matični broj: 07201788
Telefon: 019/420-715, 019/425-281, Faks: 019/425-774
Tekući račun: (Banka Inteza) 160-43630-39, (Agrobanka)***102172-61, (AIK Banka Niš) 105-6798-05, (Komercijalna banka) 205-10488-52
Nikolić Slobodan
Direktor logistike
mob: +38163 45 22 46
faks : 019 425 774