Dear Mr. Nicki Kie,
my name is Jan-Frans Schultink and I am working for Westland Cheese Export (WKE), which is a Dutch Export Company. WKE is a family owned company with a great history which is specialized in the marketing and sales of on the one hand premium cheese brands, like the incredible brand Old Amsterdam, but on the other hand also blanco cheese. WKE has a great brand portfolio and is active in 45 countries around the world, also in South East Asia. At this moment we are also very interested in doing business in Indonesia.
I have read in the INA news bulletin, that you are interested in importing (Dutch) cheese, I was curious if it is possible to make an appointment with you or someone in your company to talk about our interest in exporting cheese to Indonesia.
I hope to hear from you. You can also reach me on my mobile. My number is 0812 109 91843
Hope to hear from you.
Best regards,
Jan-Frans Schultink