Good morning Daisy,
I hope that all is well. It has been while but I have since moved on and am on my own. Decided to be totally independent. That is a good thing and I look forward to it.
I wanted to establish communications and let you know that I am alive and well. And also get you my contact information and ask about the order that I placed for the special fore grip piece that I ordered. I apologize for the delay but I needed time to make my changes. Please get back to me at my new e-mail. ***
I will look forward to hearing from you and moving forward.
I alos have a very good customer that is wanting to order cork. He will do some very nice numbers. HE loves the Korean cork and is wanting to find that style again. I will forward to him your information, He is excellent pay and a very good man. He will do great business.
Please get back to me as soon as you can. I want to get those composite cork pieces that I sent the sample to be fit to. They are getting close to begin needed.
Best Regards and looking forward to hearing from you.
Gary Schaefer