Dear Sirs:
We developed the items of health care food for human and some for pet, it is mushroom beta glucan.
The follows is a story from customer of USA, please reading it , then you will find a very special result.
Shawnee loves Her Beta!! Without it, she would be gone a while back and now her blood level is better
than over a year ago at 19 years old! Here's a photo our Japanese friend took while she was here last week. which when zoomed up to 100% is very clear. Thank you and prof Chen from the bottom of our collective hearts! She's our little miracle, thanks to you both.
Above letter sent from Annie,Bernie Crystal, mousie Shawnee From Ohio, USA.
Mushroom Beta Glucan testimonial for Cat.
At 19 years old, my female cat Shawnee began to sleep under a table on a chair in a dark corner,
coming out only to cat and use her little box. She was diagnosed with Kidney Failure. I was told to make a decision if I wanted to keep her alive and comfortable or begin considering putting her down. In distress, I remembered Professor S.N.Chen's mushroom Beta Glucan helped many with stage 4 Kidney cancer and decided to use it.
I began forcefeeding it to her by spoon every morning for a week. She would struggle some to avoid the experience. I found after only one week she held still welcoming it. The next day I put it in warm water and set it on the floor to see if she'd drink it on her own.
Up to then, I'd tell her it was "Beta time." That morning I mentioned the word Beta and she awoke from a deep sleep and came running to kichen and sat up for it. This is an elderly cat who never sat up in her life!
She drank it straight down and looked under the bowl sides to see if a drop escaped which she could lap up. From then on, I'd sing "Shawnee the Bata girl"... and she's come running. sit up and paw at my leg until I set her "hot beta tea" on the floor.
She craved ut. I bought her a tiny soy sauce bowl as I found a plate spread it out too much for her to cope with. It became Shawnee's own Beta tea cup.
A short time later, I was giving her fewer and fewer Sub-Q fluids under her skin as she didn't seem to need the 3-4 prescribed per week any longer. Now I'm only giving her one or two per week. Prior to Beta, she seemed desperate as if she were dying of thirst and would claw at all our drinks wanting to have anything to make her feel better. That desperate fell by the wayside.
Last month she had her first fever so I rushed her to the vet. They kept her and sent me home to get her fever down, wanting to keep her for at least 3-4 days. The next morning I called to see how she was doing. I was told to come in as soon as possible. I cried all the way there thinking this may be the day I have to put my best friend to sleep. The vet announced the fever was common as her age; it was now gone, and since she was on the mend so qucikly ( and unexpectedly) I could take her home.
Her nest comment floored me. She said, " Annie, Shawnee is doing so well I wanted to tell you, I don't know how, but her blood-work is better than when she was disgnosed over a year ago. We expected
she'd go downhill, but instead she is actually better!" Beta was doing the trick.
Then the vet found an alarmingly large tumor in my 17 year old male cat, Mousie. It was imbedded in or around his heart. She shown me the x-ray and how it rivaled the size of his heart. We agreed to keep him comfortable because to operate would be too risky due to the tumor's location.
I remembered the Mushroom Beta Glucan shrinks tumors so I began mixing beta every morning into a little food and he comes running for "Beta." He's doing well 15 monthslater, still hunting and so forth, so the tumor must be shrinking. I intend to continue the Beta and have another x-ray done again to see how much the tumor has become smaller. He is not slowing down as expected. If anything, he is more active with vital energy than before.
Mousie has Kidney Failure as well, disgnosed after Shawnee. In addition, he has Hyperthyroidism. It seems everything he has ( a triple disgnosis) is being successfully treated with the Mushroom Beta Glucan.
I am beyond greatful I can give my beloved pets what most have yet to enjoy, and that would be a second chance at life. We are blessed having been at the right place at the right time to discover this magnificent Mushroom Beta Glucan. How does one say "thank you" for such a gift? Words cannot express that level of gratitude.
(Annei Greenwood, Ohio, U.S.A.)
If you are interested in the "Mushroom Beta Glucan" --" Hipet " for your pet market, please don't
hesitate to contact us soon, thanks.
Pierre Chen