Dear Sirs, we are MIOLA COMMERCIALE SRL from Italy. We are a firm present in the Italian market since over 30 years, we deal in all our market by regional agents, our customers are wholesalers and users. Years ago, more times, we imported cotton doilies item 0222 and trimming item 067; our contact was Miss Gao Qing. Do you remember? Now we are still interesting to buy trimming 067 and other similar styles. Are you able to transmit us good quotations with pictures of your production? We hope to have your prompt reply to our mail address: *** to can develop again together an interesting business. Thank you very much, best regards.
Miola Commerciale srl
Via E. Mattei 16/2
35030 Saccolongo (PD) ITALY
Tel.: 0039***
Fax.: 0039***