as we talked on the phone i have sent you this mail
We are the distributers of used and new copiers.plotters,outdoors and
indoors machines as well as their spareparts.
we always looking for powerfull sources and during these 20 years we
found many but it always better to have a deal with only one great company.
we have order of 2 40ft container of different copier models in every
two mounth becouse we have many customers all over IRAN and we have 10
technician for giving support to the customer.
please contact us to talk about business.
we will be in europe next week.and we going to travell to the companies
talk to them and visit their ware house and finally make contract.if you
send me your stock i will be appreciate.
Canon IR 7086
Canon IR 7095
Canon IR 7105
Canon IR 8500
Canon IR 8070
Canon IR 9070
Canon IR 105+
Canon IR 105
Ricoh MP4001
Ricoh MP2000
Ricoh MP2501
Ricoh MP4500
Ricoh MP5000
Ricoh MP5000B
Ricoh MP5001
Ricoh MP5500
Ricoh MP6000
Ricoh MP6001
Ricoh MP6500
Ricoh MP7000
Ricoh MP7001
Ricoh MP7500
Ricoh MP8000
Ricoh MP8001
Kon/Min BH C451
Kon/Min BH C550
Kon/Min BH C650
Kon/Min BH C452
Kon/Min BH C552
Kon/Min BH C652
Toshiba ES 232
Toshiba ES 282
Toshiba ES 242
Toshiba ES 233
Toshiba ES 283
Toshiba ES 305
Toshiba ES 350
Toshiba ES 450
Toshiba ES 352
Toshiba ES 452
Toshiba ES 353
MXM 503
MXM 450
MXM 453
MXM 363
MXM 283
MXM 454
MXM 504
MX 4100
MX 4101
MX 3100
AR 207
AR 165
thanks and regards