A Handbags Co., Ltd.
About us | It became true after I read an article about handbags; not one woman leaves her house with at least something to carry her money in. Due to the fact that in my country there are no unique, different handbags, we created them. It is fun to see how women like and appreciate their unique handbags! All these items are made out of genuine leather, different types of fabric, and some of them are hand-beaded and embroidered. Leather and hardware used in making these accessories are mostly Argentinean, Brazilian, and Paraguayan. |
Industry Focus | Apparel Designing & Processing, Belts & Accessories, Ladies' Handbags, Ladies' Handbags |
Business Type | Manufacturer |
Products/Services | Handbags, wallets, and belts. |
Our Markets | South America |
No. of Employees | 5 - 10 People |
Annual Sales Range(USD) | Below US$1 Million |
Year Established | 2005 |