length 100mmdiameter 6mmin brown color5 strings per boardfive boards per packingOEM producingSome more information you can visit our net site www.asboyuan.com or http://asboyuan.preview..we will give you competitive price and let you satisfacion .Welcome
Place Of Origin: CHINA
Supplier/Manufacturer: Anshan Boyuan Airproof Material Company
length 100mmdiameter 3.5mmin brown color10 strings per board6 boards per packingOEM producingSome more information you can visit our net site www.asboyuan.com or http://asboyuan.preview. , we will give you competitive price and let you satisfaction , welc
Place Of Origin: CHINA
Supplier/Manufacturer: Anshan Boyuan Airproof Material Company
length 100mmdiameter 6mmin black color5 strings per boardfive boards per packingOEM producingwe are manufacturer in the tire repair products , Some more information you can visit our net site www.asboyuan.com or http://asboyuan.preview..If you chose our
Place Of Origin: CHINA
Supplier/Manufacturer: Anshan Boyuan Airproof Material Company
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