Blacksoybeanhullextract - Ginsengrootextract CAS 72480-62-7 Specificaton & Trade Terms
Model | Ginsengrootextract CAS 72480-62-7 |
Place Of Origin | China |
Price Term | EX-Work |
Payment Term | T/T |
Product name :Blacksoybeanhullextract
CBNumber: CB81871001
Appearance: Purplish black powder
Ingredient: anthocyanins
Preservation: a cool, dry, dark, avoid high temperature
Usage: Efficacy: anthocyanins is a good source of antioxidants, can eliminate free radicals, especially in the acidic environment of the stomach, the antioxidant effect, skincare, increased gastrointestinal motility. Black beans are rich in vitamin E, VE is also an antioxidant, can eliminate free radicals, reduce wrinkles and maintain a young and healthy.