Ladies handbags is often fashionable designed,typically used by women, and is used to hold items such as wallet, keys, tissues, makeup, a hairbrush, cellular device or personal digital assistant, feminine hygiene products. It is often used in evening part
Place Of Origin: China
Supplier/Manufacturer: Fujian Homes Bags Industry Co., Ltd.
Hydration bags is a type of hydration system built as a backpack or waist bags containing a reservoir or "bladder" commonly made of rubber or flexible plastic. The reservoir contains a capped mouth for filling with liquid and a hose that allows the wearer
Place Of Origin: China
Supplier/Manufacturer: Fujian Homes Bags Industry Co., Ltd.
Waist Bags is constructed of storing a wide variety of items, with an adjustable air flow waist belt for maximum comfort. Its pocket often contains some kinds of small and important things, such as cell phone, money, name card and Key.
Place Of Origin: China
Supplier/Manufacturer: Fujian Homes Bags Industry Co., Ltd.
Travel bags are sometimes used as luggage, particularly as carry-on bags for airplane travel. Allowing more mobility and compactness and would be available to someone carrying most of their gear and clothing in a suitcase.
Place Of Origin: China
Supplier/Manufacturer: Fujian Homes Bags Industry Co., Ltd.
Mountain bags is often used in the sports and hobby of hiking and climbing up mountains, which can be divided into three aspects: rock-craft, snow-craft, skiing, depending on whether the route chosen is over rock, snow or ice.Great athletic, technical abi
Place Of Origin: China
Supplier/Manufacturer: Fujian Homes Bags Industry Co., Ltd.
Backpack is a simple cloth sack carried on one’s back and secured with two straps that go over the shoulders. It is widely used in External and Internal activities, such as School and Travel bags in daily life, laptops and cameras bags for special purpose
Place Of Origin: China
Supplier/Manufacturer: Fujian Homes Bags Industry Co., Ltd.
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