Oxytetracycline Injection - 100ml

Oxytetracycline Injection - 100ml
Hebei Best Way Veterinary Co.,Ltd
: 2011-10-14 23:54:54
oxytetracycline, veterinary injection

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Description Of Oxytetracycline Injection - 100ml

Oxytetracycline Injection - 100ml Specificaton & Trade Terms

Place Of Originchina
Price TermEX-Work
Payment TermT/T
Each ml contains: Oxyteracycline. 200mg

Pharmacological actions and indications:
Oxytetracycline is broad spectrum antibiotic with bacteriostatic activity against a wide variety of micro-organisma, for cattle, swine, sheep, goats and poultry.

In cattle: Diphtheria, anthrax, bacterial enteritis, footrot, anaplasmosis, leptospirosis, metritis, pneumonia, wound infection and shipping fever.

In horses:
Upper respiratory infections, strangles, peritonitis, fistula of the withers, foaling paralysis, wound infections, phlegmon, thrush and joint infections.

Sheep and goats:
Pneumonia joint infection, wound infections, bacterial enteritis.

In layers:
Coryza, fowl cholera, infectious sinusitis, infectious synovitis, chronic respiratory diseases and airsacculitis.

Route of administration:
Oxytetracycline is administered by intramuscular and intravenous routes. In all animals except layers where it is administered only intramuscularly.

The dose of oxytetracycline injection ranges from 5mg to 10mg per kilo of body weight of the animal according to the severity, mode and type of infection.
The dose of oxytetracycline injection 10mg per kilo of body weight is for the treatment of acute and chronic infections and should be continued twice daily for 1 to 5 days. Generally the symptoms of efficacy are quite evident within 36 to 48 hours.

1. Intramuscular injection should be given deep in large muscle and not more than 20ml at one site of injection, intravenously to be injected slowly.
2. Milk of medicated annimal should not be used during the medication and 72 hours after the treatment.
3. Keep out of reach of children.

Packing: 50ml, 100ml. 5%, 10%
Storage: Store in a cool place and do not expose to light.

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