filter paperType:NPAF3011CAGrammage:128 g/m² Thickness:0.50 mmCorrugation depth:0.25 mmBurst strength:280kpaGurley stiffness:2500mgsAir Permeability:180mm/sMax pore size:40μmMean poreᦂ
Place Of Origin: china
Supplier/Manufacturer: Hengshui national prestige filter paper co.,ltd
filter paperType:NPAO2126CPGrammage:158 g/m² Thickness: 0.69mmCorrugation depth:0.25 mmBurst strength:500kpaGurley stiffness:3000mgsAir Permeability:600mm/sMax pore size:92μmMean poreᦂ
Place Of Origin: china
Supplier/Manufacturer: Hengshui national prestige filter paper co.,ltd
filter paperType:NPA4009PAGrammage: 90 g/m² Thickness: 0.42 mmBurst strength:180kpaGurley stiffness:2500mgsAir Permeability:960mm/sMax pore size:123μmMean pore:93μmResin content :20%
Place Of Origin: china
Supplier/Manufacturer: Hengshui national prestige filter paper co.,ltd
filter paperType: NPAO2154CAGrammage:135 g/m² Thickness: 0.55 mmCorrugation depth:0.25 mmBurst strength:250kpaGurley stiffness:2500mgsAir Permeability:420mm/sMax pore size:85μmMean poreʍ
Place Of Origin: china
Supplier/Manufacturer: Hengshui national prestige filter paper co.,ltd
filter paperType: NPAO2154CAGrammage:135 g/m² Thickness: 0.55 mmCorrugation depth:0.25 mmBurst strength:250kpaGurley stiffness:2500mgsAir Permeability:420mm/sMax pore size:85μmMean poreʍ
Place Of Origin: china
Supplier/Manufacturer: Hengshui national prestige filter paper co.,ltd
filter paperType: NPAO2215CAGrammage:140 g/m² Thickness: 0.59mmCorrugation depth:0.25 mmBurst strength:220kpaGurley stiffness:2500mgsAir Permeability:570mm/sMax pore size:101μmMean poreA
Place Of Origin: china
Supplier/Manufacturer: Hengshui national prestige filter paper co.,ltd
filter paperType:NPAO2516CAGrammage:160 g/m² Thickness:0.72 mmCorrugation depth:0.25 mmBurst strength:210kpaGurley stiffness:2000mgsAir Permeability:630mm/sMax pore size:107μmMean poreʍ
Place Of Origin: china
Supplier/Manufacturer: Hengshui national prestige filter paper co.,ltd
filter paperType:NPAT1005CAGrammage:135 g/㎡ Thickness:0.54 mmCorrugation depth:0.25 mmBurst strength:230kpaGurley stiffness:2000mgsAir Permeability:500mm/sMax pore size:90μmMean pore:
Place Of Origin: china
Supplier/Manufacturer: Hengshui national prestige filter paper co.,ltd
filter paperType: NPA3562PAGrammage:135 g/m² Thickness:0.48 mmBurst strength:300kpaGurley stiffness:2500mgsAir Permeability:280mm/sMax pore size:72μmMean pore:61μmResin content :20
Place Of Origin: china
Supplier/Manufacturer: Hengshui national prestige filter paper co.,ltd
filter paperType: NPAT4102PAGrammage:138 g/m² Thickness: 0.55 mmBurst strength:300kpaGurley stiffness:2500mgsAir Permeability:230mm/sMax pore size:63μmMean pore:51μmResin content :2
Place Of Origin: china
Supplier/Manufacturer: Hengshui national prestige filter paper co.,ltd
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