D-aspartic Acid (CAS No.:1783-96-6)Molecular formula:C4H7NO4 Molecular weight: 133.10CAS No.: 1783-96-6Description:White or off-white crystalline powder. Assay: 98.5%~ 101.0% Function:D-aspartic acid is be used as medicine intermediate or API.Packa
DL-aspartic Acid (CAS No.:617-45-8)Molecular formula: C4H7NO4Molecular weight: 133.10CAS No.:617-45-8Description: Colorless or white odorless crystal, taste sour, no optical rotation, difficult to soluble in water,insoluble in ethanol and ether. Ass
L-Aspartic Acid (CAS No.:56-84-8)Molecular formula: C4H7NO4 Molecular weight: 133.10CAS No.: 56-84-8Description: Colorless to white crystal powder, it is not essential human body amino acid. The natural l-aspartic acid exist in kinds of Zoology and botany
D-Phenylalanine (CAS No.:673-06-3)Molecular formula: C9H11NO2 Molecular weight: 165.19CAS No.: 673-06-3Description:White crystalline powder, soluble in water.Assay: 98.5%~-101.0%Function:D-Phenylalanine is be used as medicine intermediate or API, and it c
Beta-Alanine (CAS No.:107-95-9)Molecular formula: C3H7NO2 Molecular weight:89.09CAS No.: 107-95-9Description:White lozenge crystallization, dissolves in water , slightly solubles in ethyl and methyl alcohol, and insoluble in ether and acetone. Appearance
DL-Alanine (CAS No.:302-72-7)Molecular formula:C3H7NO2Molecular weight:89.09CAS No.:302-72-7Description:Colorless or white acicular crystal or crystalline powder,odorless and sweet taste,easily soluble in water and slightly in ethanol.Assay:98.5%~101.0%Fu